Please read these instructions carefully before filling up the ONLINE Application
Form. Incomplete application will be rejected.
- Full Name: Write your full name as recorded in class 10 certificate.
- E-Mail:Same Email address displayed (non-editable) as registered
by applicant.
- Date of Birth: Write your date of birth as recorded in your birth
certificate or class 10 certificate.
- Gender: Male (M), Female (F) Select the appropriate option.
- Phone: :Write your phone number with STD Code and mobile number.
Mobile number is mandatory. Notifications will be sent by email and/or SMS.
- Nationality:Write your nationality.
- Address for correspondence:Write down contact address along with
city, state and Pin number.
- Qualifying Degree Details:Fill in Qualifying from X-Degree (10th
, 12th and and degree (B.Sc, Bcom, BA, B.E.,B.TECH. or any other degree), Branch,
Overall %, Grading, Class, Year of Completion, Institute/University, Rank (at College/University
Level) (Mandatory fields include Qualifying Degree, Branch, Institute/University,
Year of Completion, EITHER Overall % OR Grading) (B.Sc/ Bcom/ BA/ B.E./B.TECH. applicants
should fill Overall % / Grading (average of all semesters completed so far).
- Others :Enter any other degree you have with details
- Employment Details:[Start with the most recent] Enter Total Duration
[in months] of your experience Fill in details like Organization, Designation, Responsibilities,
From Date[MM-YYYY], To Date[MM-YYYY], Duration[in months]